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Don’t miss out! Surya Grahan 2023 to be the most anticipated event of the year

📅 The First Surya-Grahan in 2023

Surya Grahan, or solar eclipse, is a rare celestial phenomenon that occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, casting a shadow on the Earth’s surface. In Hindu mythology, Surya Grahan holds great significance and is believed to have a powerful impact on human lives. In 2023, there will be two Surya Grahan occurrences, the first one on 20th April and the second one on 14th October. Let’s delve into the details of these eclipses and understand what they signify.

🔍 Understanding Surya-Grahan

There are two types of Surya Grahan – partial and total. A partial solar eclipse occurs when the Moon partially covers the Sun, while a total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon completely blocks the Sun, causing darkness during the day.

Surya Grahan occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, casting a shadow on the Earth’s surface. The shadow is composed of two parts, the umbra and the penumbra. The umbra is the dark center of the shadow, where the eclipse is total, while the penumbra is the lighter part of the shadow where the eclipse is partial.

📅 The First Surya-Grahan in 2023

The first Surya Grahan in 2023 will occur on 20th April. It will be a partial eclipse and will be visible in parts of North America, South America, and East Asia. The eclipse will start at 09:47 UTC and end at 14:22 UTC.

It is important to observe certain precautions during Surya Grahan to avoid any harm to the eyes. One should avoid looking directly at the Sun during the eclipse and should use special eclipse glasses or filters to view the eclipse.

📅 The Second Surya-Grahan in 2023

The second Surya Grahan in 2023 will occur on 14th October. It will also be a partial eclipse and will be visible in parts of North America, South America, and East Asia. The eclipse will start at 04:10 UTC and end at 09:05 UTC.

Similar to the first eclipse, one should avoid looking directly at the Sun during the eclipse and use special eclipse glasses or filters to view it.

🌄 Myths and Beliefs Surrounding Surya-Grahan

Surya Grahan has been the subject of various superstitions and beliefs in Hindu mythology. It is believed that during the eclipse, the negative energy that is released can harm pregnant women and their unborn children. Hence, pregnant women are advised to stay indoors and avoid doing any important work during the eclipse.

It is also believed that the eclipse has an impact on human behavior and can cause negative emotions like fear, anger, and depression. In ancient times, people used to chant mantras and perform rituals during the eclipse to ward off evil spirits and negative energy.

However, scientific explanations have debunked these myths and superstitions. It is safe for pregnant women to go about their daily activities during the eclipse, and the negative emotions are caused by the sudden change in daylight rather than any cosmic impact.

🤔 Scientific Explanations Behind Surya-Grahan Myths

During a Surya-Grahan, the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, casting a shadow on the Earth’s surface. This alignment causes a partial or total eclipse, depending on the positioning of the Sun, Moon, and Earth. The gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun also affects the Earth’s tides during a Surya Grahan.

While many cultures have historically viewed eclipses as ominous or dangerous events, we now know that Surya-Grahan has no direct physical impact on human beings. However, it is still important to observe safety precautions during a Surya Grahan, such as not looking directly at the Sun without proper eye protection.

Overall, understanding the scientific explanations behind Surya Grahan myths can help dispel fears and misconceptions about this natural phenomenon.

🔚 Conclusion

Surya-Grahan holds great significance in Hindu mythology and is believed to have a powerful impact on human lives. It is important to observe certain precautions during the eclipse to avoid any harm to the eyes. While there are many myths and superstitions surrounding the eclipse, scientific explanations have debunked them and emphasized the importance of observing safety measures during the eclipse.


  1. What is Surya Grahan? Surya Grahan, or solar eclipse, is a celestial phenomenon that occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, casting a shadow on the Earth’s surface.
  2. How many types of Surya Grahan are there? There are two types of Surya Grahan – partial and total.
  3. When is the first Surya Grahan in 2023? The first Surya Grahan in 2023 will occur on 20th April.
  4. Where can the first Surya Grahan in 2023 be observed? The first Surya Grahan in 2023 will be visible in parts of North America, South America, and East Asia.
  5. What precautions should one take during Surya Grahan? One should avoid looking directly at the Sun during the eclipse and use special eclipse glasses or filters to view it.

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