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Launching Dreams into Orbit: CBSE Announces National Space Innovation Challenge 2023

Explore CBSE’s National Space Innovation Challenge 2023, fostering innovation among students in space science, guided by mentors and propelled by prizes. Join the cosmic journey today.


In a bid to ignite young minds with a passion for space science and innovation, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has unveiled an exhilarating opportunity for students across India – the National Space Innovation Challenge 2023 (NSIC). This nationwide contest is geared towards fostering an innovation-driven mindset among students, allowing them to delve into the captivating realm of space exploration and technology. With the guidance of revered mentors from the space sector and access to a treasure trove of pre-recorded lectures, participants are set to embark on an incredible journey of discovery. Read on to unravel the cosmic details of this prestigious competition and how it’s propelling the next generation of space enthusiasts to new heights.

Exploring the Cosmos: NSIC-2023 Details

The NSIC-2023 aims to stimulate creative thinking and innovation among students in the field of space science. It’s not merely a competition; it’s a launchpad for dreams, designed to nurture young talents and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the ever-evolving space sector. The challenge is open to students from classes V to XII of all schools across India, regardless of whether they belong to Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL) schools or non-ATL schools.

Dates to Remember

The countdown to innovation has already begun! From August 11, 2023, to September 20, 2023, participants will have the chance to brainstorm, design, and execute their space-themed projects. This span of time will witness the birth of ideas that could potentially reshape the future of space technology. Whether it’s devising a robot for space junk collection, crafting a blueprint for a reusable rocket, envisioning a cutting-edge satellite design, or conceiving an Indian spaceship tailored for Mars exploration, the possibilities are as limitless as the cosmos itself.

Guiding Lights: Mentorship and Prizes

A key highlight of NSIC-2023 is the invaluable mentorship that participants will receive. Eminent personalities from the space sector will share their wisdom and insights through pre-recorded lectures, guiding the students as they navigate the complexities of their projects. These mentors will play a pivotal role in shaping the innovative ideas that emerge from this competition.

Additionally, CBSE and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) have lined up an impressive array of prizes for the most exceptional entrants. Top achievers will be rewarded with SpaceSat kits that promise hands-on exploration, along with certificates from both CBSE’s Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) and ISRO. These prizes not only recognize the students’ outstanding efforts but also serve as a springboard for their potential careers in the space sector.

Aiming for the Stars: NSIC-2023 Details
Aiming for the Stars: NSIC-2023 Details

Seize the Opportunity: How to Participate

Participating in NSIC-2023 is both straightforward and exhilarating. Interested students can register by visiting the official participation link: The last date for submitting projects is September 20, 2023, so aspiring space innovators have ample time to immerse themselves in their creations.


As the NSIC-2023 takes flight, it promises to shape a new generation of space enthusiasts and innovators. With the backing of CBSE’s AIM, ISRO, and the mentors from the space sector, students are poised to explore the stars, push the boundaries of technology, and contribute to the advancement of space science. The sky is not the limit; it’s just the beginning. Principals of schools affiliated with CBSE are urged to rally their students and encourage them to participate in this exciting endeavor. It’s time for India’s young minds to rise to the challenge and etch their names among the stars.

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