Central University of Himachal Pradesh (CU Himachal Pradesh) is inviting applications from eligible and interested candidates for a contractual position of Research Associate.
Vacancies & Eligibility Criteria
- Post: Research Associate
- Vacancy: 1
- Age Limit: Maximum 40 years
- Qualification: PhD
- Pay: Rs 47,000
- Candidates are advised to refer to the official notice for further details.
Dates to Consider
- Last Date for Application Submission: 31-07-2024 (via email)
Mode of Recruitment
Interviews will be held for the Research Associate position at Central University of Himachal Pradesh (CU Himachal Pradesh) following a thorough review of the applications. Candidates are encouraged to submit relevant documents to demonstrate their suitability for the role.
Fee Structure
- Application Fee: None
How to Apply
- Application Mode: Email
- Submission Email: drcharchit@hpcu.ac.in
- Deadline: 31-07-2024
- Instructions:
- Send the completed application form via email with the post title in the subject line.
- Attach all relevant documents, including those related to age, qualifications, and experience.
Send Applications to
- Email Address: drcharchit@hpcu.ac.in