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Intel® AI Global Impact Festival 2023: A Digital Celebration of AI Innovation and Learning

New Delhi, September 11, 2023 – The Intel AI Global Impact Festival 2023 celebrates AI’s transformative power. Explore micro-learning, global showcases, and more. Join us in building digital readiness!

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and so is the way we educate ourselves. In this era of technological advancement, staying updated with the latest trends and innovations is imperative. We are thrilled to provide information on the upcoming Intel® AI Global Impact Festival 2023, an event that celebrates the transformative power of AI technology and its impact on society. Building upon the success of previous editions, Intel® is back with its third annual AI festival, promising an even more enriching experience for students and educators alike.

Unveiling the Intel® AI Global Impact Festival 2023

The Intel® AI Global Impact Festival 2023, with the tagline “Building Digital Readiness,” aims to bridge the gap between innovation and education. It offers a multitude of learning avenues, making it an event of global significance. Here are some highlights of what you can expect:

1. Virtual Accessibility

The festival is going digital, which means you can access it from anywhere in the world. This virtual format ensures that the event truly lives up to its name as a “global” impact festival.

2. Micro-Learning Modules

Dive deep into self-paced micro-learning modules on trending AI topics such as:

  • Introduction to Generative AI
  • Embracing Responsible AI Skills
  • Unveiling the Secrets of Web3.0
  • Intel® Dev Cloud Decoded
  • Demystifying AI with the OpenVINO™ Toolkit

These modules provide an excellent opportunity to enhance your AI skills and knowledge.

3. Global Showcase of AI Innovations

Witness a global showcase of AI innovations and best teaching-learning practices by students and educators. This is a unique chance to explore cutting-edge solutions developed by the next generation of technologists.

4. AI Skilling Best Practices

Learn about the best AI skilling practices showcased by governments worldwide. Discover how AI education is being promoted and implemented on a global scale.

5. Engaging Activities

Participate in a range of fun activities, including a Virtual Selfie Booth and the AI Gaming Arena, all while collecting badges to showcase your achievements.

Festival Details at a Glance

For comprehensive details about the festival, please refer to the official announcement.

For any queries or clarifications, please reach out to

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