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International Day of Parliamentarism 2023: Parliaments for the Planet

Explore the significance of the International Day of Parliamentarism and the role of parliaments in addressing climate change. Discover the steps parliaments can take to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainability.

The International Day of Parliamentarism, celebrated on June 30th, holds great significance as it marks the founding date of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in 1889. This day serves as an opportunity to reflect on the role of parliaments in promoting democracy, transparency, and accountability. In recent times, parliaments have also taken on a new responsibility—the fight against climate change. In this article, we will explore the crucial connection between parliaments and climate action, highlighting the steps they can take to reduce their carbon footprint and lead by example

The Urgency of Climate Action

Climate change poses a severe threat to humanity, affecting lives, development, peace, and security worldwide. Recognizing this urgent challenge, parliaments have a crucial role to play in addressing the climate crisis. By embracing greener policies and fostering a culture of sustainability, parliaments and parliamentarians can make a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.

The IPU’s Role in Climate Change Mitigation

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) plays a vital role in supporting parliaments to take action on climate change. Through its research, tools, and meetings, the IPU helps parliaments make progress on international climate agreements such as the Paris Agreement. By sharing knowledge and best practices, the IPU empowers parliaments to accelerate decarbonization and reduce their carbon footprint.

10 Actions for Greener Parliaments

To drive sustainable change, the IPU has formulated ten key actions for greener parliaments. These actions encompass three main categories:

1. Institutionalizing the Greening of Parliament

Institutional changes are essential for ensuring long-term sustainability. Parliaments can take the following measures:

  • Adopt renewable energy sources to power parliamentary buildings.
  • Integrate sustainable practices into procurement policies.
  • Establish an environmental committee to oversee sustainability efforts.

2. Greening the Way Parliaments and Their Members Work

Parliamentarians can lead by example and incorporate sustainable practices into their daily operations:

  • Encourage digital documentation and reduce paper usage.
  • Promote energy-efficient practices, such as using energy-saving devices and LED lighting.
  • Support sustainable transportation options, such as cycling or carpooling, for commuting to work.

3. Leading and Fostering a Culture of Sustainable Change

To create a lasting impact, parliaments should champion a culture of sustainability:

  • Organize awareness campaigns and training programs on climate change.
  • Foster partnerships with environmental organizations and experts.
  • Advocate for green policies and legislation both nationally and internationally.

Background of the International Day of Parliamentarism

The International Day of Parliamentarism was established in 2018 through a United Nations General Assembly Resolution. This day holds particular significance amid the challenges faced by parliamentary democracies. As trust in political institutions wavers, parliaments must strengthen their transparency, accountability, and representativeness to ensure the vitality of democracy.

Strengthening Democracy through Parliamentary Progress

The United Nations General Assembly, in resolution A/RES/72/278, recognized the pivotal role of parliaments in national plans and strategies, as well as their responsibility in promoting transparency and accountability at both national and global levels. The International Day of Parliamentarism provides an opportunity to evaluate the progress made by parliaments in areas such as self-assessment, inclusivity, and technological adaptation.

Parliaments as Agents of Change for Climate Action

Climate action begins at home, and parliaments can set an example for their nations by actively participating in the fight against climate change. By embracing the 10 actions for greener parliaments proposed by the IPU, parliaments and parliamentarians can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and inspire their constituents to take similar steps.


The International Day of Parliamentarism reminds us of the crucial role that parliaments play in promoting democracy, transparency, and accountability. In an era defined by the urgent need to combat climate change, parliaments must lead by example and prioritize sustainable practices. By adopting greener policies, reducing their carbon footprint, and fostering a culture of sustainability, parliaments and parliamentarians can pave the way for stronger climate action and contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.

FAQs – International Day of Parliamentarism 2023

  1. How does the International Day of Parliamentarism contribute to strengthening democracy?
    • The International Day of Parliamentarism encourages parliaments to evaluate their progress, promote inclusivity, and adapt to new technologies, ensuring the vitality of democracy.
  2. What is the role of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in climate change mitigation?
    • The IPU supports parliaments in making progress on international climate agreements, sharing knowledge, and empowering them to reduce their carbon footprint.
  3. How can parliaments institutionalize the greening of parliament?
    • Parliaments can adopt renewable energy, integrate sustainable practices into procurement policies, and establish environmental committees.
  4. What steps can parliamentarians take to contribute to a greener future?
    • Parliamentarians can promote digital documentation, energy-efficient practices, and sustainable transportation options, leading by example.
  5. How do parliaments foster a culture of sustainable change?
    • Parliaments can organize awareness campaigns, collaborate with environmental organizations, and advocate for green policies and legislation.

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Thank you for reading this article on the International Day of Parliamentarism and its connection to climate action. By adopting greener policies, reducing their carbon footprint, and fostering a culture of sustainability, parliaments and parliamentarians can pave the way for stronger climate action and contribute to a healthier planet for future generations. Join us in championing a greener future by subscribing and following for more inspiring content.

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