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One District One Product (ODOP) Initiative: Fostering Holistic Socioeconomic Growth Across India

The One District One Product (ODOP) initiative is a program aimed at promoting balanced regional development across all districts of India. Its objective is to identify, brand, and promote at least one product from each district of the country to enable socioeconomic growth throughout all regions. To date, the initiative has identified a total of 1102 products from 761 districts across the country.

🔹Selection Process of ODOP Products

Under the ODOP initiative, products are selected by the respective States/UTs based on the existing ecosystem on the ground, products identified under Districts as Export Hubs (DEH), and GI-tagged products. Once the products are finalized, the relevant Department of States/UTs communicates the list to DPIIT. All activities, including exhibitions and capacity building, are undertaken at the State/UT and district level, in consultation and coordination with the States/UTs.

🔹Activities Undertaken by the ODOP Initiative

Several activities have been undertaken by the ODOP initiative to promote the identified products, some of which are highlighted below:

🔹Lakadong Turmeric from Meghalaya

In February 2022, the initiative facilitated a consignment of 30 tonnes of Lakadong Turmeric from Shillong, Meghalaya. This activity helped promote the export of Lakadong Turmeric and also provided a boost to the local economy.

🔹Mango Festival in Japan

The Mango Festival of India was organized in Japan, showcasing mango varieties from several Indian states such as Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Telangana. A key achievement of this festival was the launch of aromatic, delicious, and nutritious Indian Mangoes from 8 states (46 districts) in 127 convenience stores of Lawson on 29th March 2022 and in the wholesale markets of Nishikasai and Akita Prefecture on 28th March 2022.

🔹Walnuts from Jammu & Kashmir

The ODOP initiative partnered with JKTPO to facilitate import substitution of over 2000 KGs of walnuts from Budgam, Kashmir to Bangalore, Karnataka, in September 2021. This activity helped promote the consumption of local walnuts and also provided a boost to the local economy.

🔹Textile Products from India

In September 2021, the initiative in partnership with the Embassy of India, Moscow held a buyer-seller meet on textile products focusing on rayon and polyester. This activity helped promote the export of Indian textile products and provided a platform for Indian sellers to interact with Russian buyers.

🔹Buyer-Seller Meets in Jammu & Kashmir and Guwahati Assam

The ODOP initiative held several buyer-seller meets in Jammu & Kashmir and Guwahati Assam, where over 70 sellers, traders, farmers, and aggregators from various districts of each of the NE states showcased their products. The buyer-seller meet in Jammu & Kashmir witnessed the presence of multiple national and international brands. This activity helped promote local products and also provided a boost to the local economy.

🔹Exhibitions at World Economic Forum and Times Square

ODOP products were displayed at the World Economic Forum held from 22nd Jan 2023- 26th Jan 2023 in the Indian Pavilion at Davos in Switzerland. The initiative also supported the celebration of the International Day of Yoga (IDY) at Times Square in New York on June 21, 2022, in collaboration with the Consulate General of India, New York. These activities helped promote Indian products and also provided a platform for Indian sellers to showcase their products to a global audience.



The One District One Product (ODOP) initiative has been successful in promoting balanced regional development across India. By identifying and promoting at least one product from each district, the program has enabled holistic socioeconomic growth across all Districts.

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