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CBSE Class IX (9) Computer Application Syllabus, Check Now & Download (2023-24)

Computer Applications Syllabus for Class IX (Code 165) (2023-24)

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Introduction to basics of computers.
  2. File system navigation.
  3. Creation and editing of documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
  4. Basic data manipulation and use of Indian languages.
  5. Sending and receiving emails and using the internet.
  6. Creating and uploading videos.
  7. Safe use of websites, social networks, chat sites, and email.

Unit Distribution: Unit 1: Basics of Information Technology (20 marks theory, 20 marks practical) Unit 2: Cyber-safety (15 marks theory, 10 marks practical) Unit 3: Office Tools (15 marks theory, 20 marks practical) Unit 4: Lab Exercises (50 marks practical)

Breakup of Practical Marks:

  1. Lab Test (30 marks)
  2. Report File + viva (10 marks)
  3. Project (10 marks)

Class X Syllabus covers website creation, image and media embedding, and the use of style sheets.

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