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CBSE Grade System, All you need to know!

Ever wondered why you might get the same marks in two subjects but different grades on your CBSE Class 10 or 12 report card? The answer lies in the relative grading system employed by the board. This article explains how this system works and what it means for your grades.

What is Relative Grading?

Unlike absolute grading where marks alone determine your grade (e.g., 90-100 = A), relative grading considers your position compared to other students who took the same subject. Imagine all the students who passed a subject are lined up by their marks, from highest to lowest. The CBSE then divides this line into eight equal groups. Each group is assigned a grade, with A1 being the top group and E indicating essential repeat (fail).

How are Grades Awarded?

  1. Dividing the Pack: The total number of students who passed the subject is divided by eight (8) to determine the number of students in each grade group.
  2. Assigning Grades: The top 1/8th of the students receive A1, the next 1/8th gets A2, and so on, until the last 1/8th receives D2.
  3. Accounting for Ties: In case of a tie (students with the same marks), all those students are assigned the same grade. Minor adjustments might be made to ensure there are roughly equal numbers in each group.
  4. Subjects with Fewer Students: For subjects with less than 500 students, the grading pattern is based on similar subjects with a higher number of students.
GradeDescriptionAwarded to (Relative Position)
A1OutstandingTop 1/8th of the passed students
A2ExcellentNext 1/8th of the passed students
B1Very GoodNext 1/8th of the passed students
B2GoodNext 1/8th of the passed students
C1AverageNext 1/8th of the passed students
C2Above AverageNext 1/8th of the passed students
D1Below AverageNext 1/8th of the passed students
D2PassNext 1/8th of the passed students
EEssential RepeatStudents who fail to meet the minimum passing markspen_spark

Why Relative Grading?

This system aims to be a fairer reflection of a student’s performance compared to their peers. It acknowledges that the difficulty of a subject can vary year-to-year, and a raw mark might not tell the whole story. Relative grading ensures competition and motivates students to excel within their group.

Things to Remember:

  • You might get different grades in subjects with the same marks due to the varying number of students who appeared for each subject.
  • Focus on understanding concepts and performing well relative to your peers to achieve a good grade.

Understanding your CBSE grade goes beyond just the marks. By knowing how the relative grading system works, you can better evaluate your performance and set realistic goals for your academic journey.

Click Here for the CBSE Notice Regarding Grading System
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