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CBSE Introduces CYBER CLUBS in Schools to Combat Cybercrime and Foster Digital Safety

CBSE has introduced CYBER CLUBS in schools to enhance students’ cybersecurity knowledge, combat cybercrime, and create a safer digital environment.

In a bid to address the growing concerns over cybercrime and enhance cyber-defense skills among students, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued a groundbreaking notification urging all affiliated schools to establish CYBER CLUBS. This initiative aims to create an educational ecosystem that arms students with essential cybersecurity knowledge and skills, ultimately fostering a safer digital environment.

The prevalence of digital technologies and online services in today’s society has brought unprecedented convenience but has also given rise to significant challenges, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. The rise in data breaches and cyber-attacks has emphasized the need for individuals, especially the younger generation, to be well-informed about cyber hygiene and potential threats.

Recognizing the urgency of this matter, the Government of India has established the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) under the Ministry of Home Affairs. This center is dedicated to coordinating efforts to combat cybercrimes effectively. In line with this, the Central Government has taken various measures to raise awareness about cybercrime, leveraging platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram.

To bolster these national efforts, the concept of forming CYBER CLUBS within schools has been introduced. These clubs will provide students with a platform to delve into the world of cybersecurity and emerging technologies. By nurturing these essential skills early on, students will be better equipped to face the challenges of the digital era.

The notification outlines several suggested activities for CYBER CLUBS, including:

  • Lectures and Demonstrations: Inviting experts to deliver talks and hands-on demonstrations to educate students about cybersecurity and potential career opportunities in the field.
  • Hands-on Training: Providing students with hands-on training using open-source tools in school computer labs, enhancing their practical understanding of cybersecurity concepts.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Displaying news articles and photographs related to cybersecurity in dedicated spaces within the school, fostering an environment of awareness.
  • Student Participation: Encouraging students to participate in activities such as plays, quizzes, competitions, and hackathons focused on cybersecurity.
  • Recognition: Acknowledging exceptional students with “Scholar Badges” for their active involvement in disseminating cyber awareness information.
  • Regional Newsletters: Publishing regional language newsletters on cybersecurity and preventing cybercrime, presenting information in an engaging and interactive manner.
  • Daily Tips: Sharing daily cybersecurity tips with students during assembly sessions, promoting good cyber hygiene practices.
  • Mass Awareness Camps: Organizing mass awareness camps with the active involvement of CYBER CLUB members, reaching a wider audience.
  • Display of Guidelines: Creating and prominently displaying do’s and don’ts related to cybersecurity within the school premises.

CBSE has recommended that each school appoint a Cyber Nodal Officer, preferably with expertise in Cyber Security, to oversee and manage the activities of the CYBER CLUB. This information should be updated in the CBSE OASIS portal for effective coordination.

Through the collective efforts of schools, teachers, and students, these CYBER CLUBS are expected to play a pivotal role in creating a safer digital landscape and mitigating the ever-growing threat of cybercrime. CBSE has also provided an email address,, for any queries related to the establishment and functioning of CYBER CLUBS.

With this forward-looking initiative, CBSE is taking a significant step towards equipping the younger generation with the necessary skills to navigate the digital world securely. By fostering cyber awareness and defense from an early age, students are poised to become responsible digital citizens and contribute to a more secure online environment.

Also read Edukraze Daily Current Affairs – Special Edition

By establishing CYBER CLUBS, CBSE is proactively preparing students for the digital era, equipping them with essential cybersecurity skills and fostering a more secure online environment. Join this initiative and contribute to a safer digital landscape.

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