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CBSE Introduces Integrated Payment System for Supplementary Examinations 2023

New Delhi, 07.11.2023 In a significant development, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has introduced the Integrated Payment System (IPS) for payment of various functionaries involved in the examination and evaluation work for the Supplementary Examinations 2023. This initiative aims to streamline and simplify the payment process for exam centers and evaluators, making it more efficient and convenient.

The CBSE, responsible for conducting various examinations across India, has unveiled the following features of the Integrated Payment System (IPS) for Supplementary Examinations 2023:

A. IPS Module for Exam Centre Charges for Supplementary Examinations 2023

The CBSE has launched the IPS module to facilitate the payment of center charges for the examination centers and personnel involved in conducting Supplementary Examinations 2023. This system is built upon the success of the IPS module for the Main Examinations 2023.

To access the IPS module for Supplementary Examinations 2023, relevant data has been extracted from the Online Examination Centre Management System (OECMS) portal and integrated into the IPS module. You can find the online IPS portal link within the “Pariksha Sangam” section on the official CBSE website. The system is now operational for Examination Centers to review, verify, and freeze the data.

It is essential to note that the last date for freezing the data in the IPS portal system is set for November 20, 2023. Moreover, the CBSE has announced a fixed payment schedule, and all concerned parties are urged to adhere to the Board’s instructions diligently.

B. IPS Module for Evaluation of Theory Answer Books for Supplementary Examinations 2023

The IPS module for the evaluation of theory answer books in Supplementary Examinations 2023 includes several modules:

  1. User Manual: A comprehensive manual outlining the procedures.
  2. Account Details: Information regarding all functionaries, such as Chief Nodal Supervisors (CNS), Head Examiners (HE), Internal Head Examiners (IHE), Additional Head Examiners (AHE – External, Coordinators, and Evaluators.
  3. Number of Answer Books & Duty Days: A system for recording the number of answer books and duty days worked.
  4. Freeze Report: A report to verify and confirm the data.
  5. Final Reports: Comprehensive reports summarizing the payment details.

Payment calculations will be performed automatically based on the data submitted by CNS schools and IHEs through the TETRA Web-Portal on a daily basis during the evaluation process. Payments will be transferred to the individual accounts of the various functionaries involved in the evaluation work.

To ensure a smooth process, all concerned CNS and IHEs are requested to:

A. Thoroughly review the IPS User Manual and note the required fields for filling in the data.

B. Collect the necessary data and double-check its accuracy before inputting it into the IPS system.

C. Verify that all IFSC codes are correct following recent bank mergers.

D. Promptly update data in the event of rejected or failed payments by contacting the relevant functionaries and making the necessary adjustments in the IPS.

Once all data is verified and accurate, it can be entered into the IPS. The system will automatically populate applicable rates. Details of the rates are available within the IPS module. Upon entering the data, the CBSE will initiate payments in an automated mode.

The IPS portal will only allow data entry, editing, and corrections within specific dates, as outlined below:

  • Start Date of IPS for Supplementary Examinations 2023: 06/Nov/2023
  • Date up to which finalization and corrections will be allowed: 20/Nov/2023
  • Last date for submission: 25/Nov/2023

All CBSE-affiliated schools are urged to take immediate action to ensure the timely completion of activities related to data submission, freezing, and corrections.

In conclusion, the introduction of the Integrated Payment System (IPS) for Supplementary Examinations 2023 by the CBSE marks a significant step towards efficiency and transparency in the examination and evaluation processes. This initiative will benefit all functionaries involved in these crucial tasks, ultimately leading to a smoother examination experience for students.

For more information and access to the IPS portal, please visit the official CBSE website.

Stay Updated | CBSE Introduces Integrated Payment System

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