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Indian Government launches “Samaveshi Vikaas” Campaigns on National Panchayati Raj Day

The Indian government has launched a series of campaigns under the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav celebration, which will continue until August 2023. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will launch nine of these campaigns under the theme “Inclusive Development” (समावेशी विकास) on National Panchayati Raj Day, April 24, 2023, at Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. The Ministry of Rural Development is leading the “Inclusive Development” theme, with four other supporting ministries and departments.

Indian Government launches “Samaveshi Vikaas” Campaigns on National Panchayati Raj Day 3

Nine Campaigns under Inclusive Development Theme

The nine campaigns under the Inclusive Development theme aim to create high-impact and high Jan-Bhagidari potential. The campaigns target employment generation, health, social inclusion, social security, and livelihood creation. Five campaigns are under the Ministry of Rural Development, and four campaigns are being led by the partnering ministries and departments.

Whole of Society Approach

The “Samaveshi Vikaas” campaign, which translates to “Inclusive Development,” is designed with a whole-of-society approach. It aims to ensure 100% outreach to the beneficiaries of the campaigns. The focus is on targeted interventions through all states, Union Territories, districts, and gram panchayats. The campaign emphasizes the concept of “Convergence” and “Reaching the last mile” to ensure that the selected campaigns reach the intended beneficiaries.

Website and Mobile App Launch

To monitor the progress of the campaigns and encourage public participation, a website has been developed: “” The Prime Minister will launch this website on April 24, 2023, at the National Panchayati Raj Day. The website will capture real-time progress, key performance indicators, the calendar of events, event-related pictures and videos, newspaper clippings, and public opinion.

A mobile app named “Samaveshi Vikaas” has also been designed to encourage public participation. The app is user-friendly, allowing the public to share their experiences and opinions about the campaigns’ impact and benefits, along with photographs.

Individual Campaign Briefs

  1. Samagra Awas-Convergence under PMAY-G: This campaign aims to provide additional 45 lakh Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin (PMAY-G) houses over and above the 2.50 crore already sanctioned. The campaign will also ensure the saturation of benefits provided in convergence with schemes providing electricity, LPG, water connections, and toilets in all PMAY-G houses. The campaign will start in April 2023 and continue until August 2023.
  2. Financial Literacy at District Level: This campaign aims to create awareness and increase the outreach of various banking and financial services and social security schemes. The campaign will be carried out in 500 districts and is expected to provide need-based training and awareness to 2.0 crore Self Help Group (SHG) members. Village-level awareness programs will enroll about 2.5 crore SHG members under the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) and 3.0 crore under the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY). During the campaign period, 750 SAKSHAM Centres will be established across states as a one-stop solution for financial awareness, service delivery, and basic grievances redressal.
  3. Promoting Digital Transaction at Gram Panchayat Level: The objective of this campaign is to promote digital transactions and cashless payments at the grassroots level. This campaign will focus on creating awareness about the benefits of digital transactions, training people on how to use digital payment methods, and enabling the availability of digital payment infrastructure in gram panchayats. The campaign will be carried out across 1 lakh gram panchayats and will benefit around 10 crore people. The campaign will commence from 1st May, 2023, and will continue till August, 2023.
  4. Social Mobilisation of Eligible Rural Women into Self Help Group (SHG) Network: This campaign aims to promote the formation of self-help groups (SHGs) among rural women, thereby promoting their social and economic empowerment. The campaign will be carried out in collaboration with state governments and other stakeholders and will focus on mobilizing eligible rural women to form SHGs, providing them with necessary training, and enabling them to access credit and other financial services. The campaign will be implemented across all states/UTs and will benefit around 5 crore rural women. The campaign will commence on 1st June, 2023, and will continue till August, 2023.
  5. Plantation Drive on River Banks under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA): The objective of this campaign is to promote environmental sustainability and rural livelihoods through a plantation drive along the river banks. The plantation drive will be carried out under MGNREGA, which will provide employment opportunities to rural households and ensure environmental sustainability. The campaign will be implemented across all states/UTs and will benefit around 10 crore people. The campaign will commence on 1st July, 2023, and will continue till August, 2023.
  6. Swastha Mahila- Samriddha Samaj (SMSS): This campaign aims to promote the health and well-being of women and girls in rural areas. The campaign will focus on creating awareness about health and hygiene, providing necessary healthcare services, and promoting the formation of women’s self-help groups. The campaign will be carried out in collaboration with state governments and other stakeholders and will benefit around 5 crore rural women. The campaign will commence on 1st August, 2023, and will continue till August, 2023.
  7. Pashudhan Jagriti Abhiyan Intensive Awareness Campaign in Aspirational Districts: This campaign aims to promote animal husbandry and dairy farming in aspirational districts of India. The campaign will focus on creating awareness about animal health and nutrition, providing necessary veterinary services, and promoting the formation of dairy cooperatives. The campaign will be implemented across 100 aspirational districts and will benefit around 2 crore rural households. The campaign will commence on 1st May, 2023, and will continue till August, 2023.
  8. SVAMITVA, Meri Sampatti, Mera Haq: This campaign aims to provide property cards to rural households in order to enable them to access credit and other financial services. The campaign will focus on creating awareness about the benefits of property cards, providing necessary training, and enabling the issuance of property cards to eligible households. The campaign will be implemented across all states/UTs and will benefit around 7 crore rural households. The campaign will commence on 1st June, 2023, and will continue till August, 2023.
  9. Natural Farming with SHG Women campaign: Natural farming is a sustainable agricultural practice that promotes the use of natural resources and avoids the use of synthetic chemicals and fertilizers. To promote this practice, the district administration has launched a campaign in collaboration with Self Help Group (SHG) women. The campaign aims to educate women farmers about the benefits of natural farming and to encourage them to adopt this practice in their farms. The campaign involves training workshops on natural farming practices, including seed treatment, composting, and pest management. The district administration has also provided financial assistance to SHG women to set up their own natural farming units. This initiative not only promotes sustainable agriculture but also empowers women farmers to become self-reliant.
  10. Disaster Management and Preparedness: Disasters can strike at any time, and it is crucial to be prepared for such events. The district administration has taken several measures to ensure that the district is well-prepared to handle any natural calamity. The administration has set up a disaster management cell, which is responsible for monitoring the weather conditions and issuing early warning alerts.

The administration has also conducted several training workshops for the district’s disaster response teams, including police, fire department, and medical teams, to improve their response capabilities. The district administration has also developed a comprehensive disaster management plan, which includes measures for evacuation, rescue, relief, and rehabilitation.


The district administration’s efforts towards sustainable development have resulted in significant improvements in the district’s social, economic, and environmental indicators. The initiatives discussed above demonstrate the administration’s commitment to creating a sustainable and resilient district. With continued efforts and collaboration with various stakeholders, the district administration can further enhance the district’s sustainable development and ensure a better future for its residents.

Read More About National Panchayati Raj Day on our Website and about theme and Campaigns on Official Amrit Mahotsav Website

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