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International Day for Women in Diplomacy 2023: Why Women Matter in Diplomacy

The International Day for Women in Diplomacy, observed on 24th June each year, recognizes and celebrates the significant role women play in global governance and diplomacy. Women’s participation in diplomacy brings forth diverse perspectives, expertise, and leadership styles that enhance the quality of outcomes and broaden the scope of issues under consideration. In this article, we will delve into the importance of women in diplomacy, the progress made so far, and the challenges that remain.


Since the drafting and signing of the United Nations Charter in 1945, women have been instrumental in shaping global governance. With women comprising half of the world’s population, their involvement in diplomacy becomes essential to harness the full potential of humanity. By bringing their unique perspectives and priorities, women contribute to better laws, policies, and decisions that benefit ordinary people, the environment, and social cohesion.

Women’s Impact on Diplomacy

Research indicates that countries with greater women’s representation in cabinets and parliaments tend to enact legislation and policies that benefit society at large. Women’s participation in peace and political processes is crucial for achieving de facto equality and dismantling deep-rooted discrimination. Despite the progress made, only 34 out of 193 Member States of the United Nations have elected women as Heads of State or Government. The global proportion of women in other political offices remains significantly lower, indicating the need for further advancements.

Challenges and Progress

While there have been notable milestones for gender equality at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), much work remains to be done in terms of women’s representation and participation. Only four women have been elected as President of the UN General Assembly throughout its 77-year history. Similarly, the UN Security Council, responsible for international peace and security, still falls short of achieving adequate gender representation despite having a slightly higher proportion of women members compared to other institutions.

Women in the United Nations

The United Nations plays a vital role in establishing global norms and standards, and women’s involvement is crucial in shaping these benchmarks. Inclusive governance, which includes the meaningful participation of women, results in policies that drive positive change in the long run. It is essential to explore ways to increase women’s representation and influence within the United Nations and its various agencies.

Inclusive Governance and Long-Term Change

Inclusive governance is not only about achieving gender parity but also about recognizing the diverse perspectives and experiences that women bring to the table. Policies and decisions shaped through inclusive processes are more likely to address the complex challenges faced by societies worldwide. By embracing women’s participation in diplomacy, societies can create positive change and progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Women and Global Diplomacy

Women’s contributions to global diplomacy are invaluable. They possess a unique blend of realism and a vision for a better future. Women diplomats play a crucial role in shaping international relations, advocating for human rights, and promoting peace and security. By actively engaging in diplomatic efforts, women contribute to the creation of a more just and equitable world.

Recognizing Women’s Contributions

Historically, women’s contributions to diplomacy have often been overlooked. However, their role in shaping diplomatic endeavors and policies cannot be understated. Recognizing and celebrating the ways in which women are breaking barriers and making a difference in the field of diplomacy is essential. By acknowledging their accomplishments, society can encourage and inspire more women to pursue careers in diplomacy and contribute to positive change.

Peacebuilding Processes

Women’s inclusion in peacebuilding processes is crucial for lasting peace after conflicts. Studies have shown that gender-equal participation in peace talks leads to more sustainable agreements. In conflict-affected countries like South Sudan, women’s organizations and advocates have played a pivotal role in ensuring gender-responsive provisions are included in peace agreements. Their tireless efforts contribute to a more inclusive and comprehensive peacebuilding process.

The Power of Women Peacebuilders

Women peacebuilders, such as Susan Sebit from South Sudan, exemplify the power and impact of women’s involvement in peace processes. Through advocacy and coalition-building, women peacebuilders ensure that women’s voices and perspectives are heard and taken into account. Their dedication leads to the development of inclusive policies and initiatives that address the root causes of conflicts and pave the way for long-term stability.

Women’s Contributions to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Women played a significant role in shaping the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), a milestone document that outlines fundamental rights and freedoms for all individuals. With their diverse legal and cultural backgrounds, women were key contributors to the drafting of the UDHR. Their involvement ensured that the document acknowledged and protected the rights of women and girls, promoting equality and dignity for all.

Conclusion – Women in Diplomacy

The International Day for Women in Diplomacy serves as a reminder of the importance of women’s participation in global governance and diplomacy. Women bring unique perspectives, expertise, and leadership styles that enhance the quality of decision-making processes. By recognizing and supporting women’s contributions to diplomacy, society can foster inclusivity, equality, and sustainable peace. It is crucial to continue advocating for increased representation of women in diplomatic roles and ensuring their voices are heard and valued.

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Must Read External Reference: See how far women have come

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