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Land Records Go Digital: 28 States/UTs Adopt National Generic Document Registration System

Learn about the National Generic Document Registration System and how it’s transforming the process of land records registration across 28 Indian States and Union Territories.

For years, the process of registering land records in India was often time-consuming and prone to errors. However, the National Generic Document Registration System is changing that, allowing for the registration process to be streamlined and made more efficient.

1. 28 States/UTs adopt National Generic Document Registration System for Land Records

According to the Department of Land Resources (DoLR), 28 States/UTs have adopted the National Generic Document Registration System (NGDRS) for Land Records. These states have started eRegistration or sharing data with the national portal of NGDRS through User Interface/API.

2. ULPIN or Bhu-Aadhar Adopted by 26 States/UTs

The Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (ULPIN) or Bhu-Aadhar has been adopted by 26 States/UTs and pilot testing has been done in 7 more States/UTs. Some States are also using ULPIN in the SVAMITVA portal.

3. Computerization of Records and Maps

As of 18.04.2023, computerization of Record of Rights (RoRs) has been completed in 94.62% of the villages in the country. Additionally, 75.62% of Cadastral maps/FMBs have been digitized and Cadastral maps have been linked to RoRs in 64.21% of villages. Furthermore, 92.82% of Sub Registrar Offices (SROs) have been computerized and 76.01% of SROs have been integrated with Revenue Offices out of a total of 5303 SROs. Finally, 85.73% of Modern Record Rooms (MRRs) have been established out of the sanctioned 3846 MRRs.

4. Digital India Land Records Modernisation Programme (DILRMP)

The Department of Land Resources has been implementing the Digital India Land Records Modernisation Programme (DILRMP) since 01.04.2016. The programme is a Central Sector Scheme with 100% funding from the Government of India.

5. 100% Expenditure Target Achieved

The Department has achieved the 100% expenditure target of Budget Estimates of Rs.239.25 crore fixed for DILRMP for the year 2022-23.

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