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Latest International Current Affairs Updates – March 2023

Keep yourself informed about the latest happenings around the world. Here are the top international current affairs updates for March 2023.

In an increasingly interconnected world, staying informed about global events is more important than ever. In this article, we bring you the most recent updates on international current affairs for March 2023.

By   which   another   name,  the  BRICS  bank,  a  multilateral financial  institution  created  by  Brazil,  Russia,  India,  China, and South Africa is also known?New Development Bank (NDB)
Name  the  former  Brazilian  President who has been selected as the new President of the New Development Bank (NDB)?Dilma Vana Rousseff
During which period, Dilma Vana Rousseff served as the 36th President of Brazil?2011 to 2016
Name  the  Indian-origin  software  and  robotics  engineer  who has been appointed as the first head of NASA’s new Moon to Mars Programme Office?Amit Kshatriya
Which  country’s  hockey  federation  has  been  awarded  the ‘Best  Organizer  Award’  by  the  Asian  Hockey  Federation  for the successful organization of the 2023 Hockey World Cup?India
Who  has  recently taken over as the CEO of the coffeehouse company Starbucks?Laxman Narasimhan
According   to   the   World   Happiness   Report   2023,   which country is the happiest country in the world?Finland
Who  has acquired Switzerland’s Credit Suisse Bank which is facing a financial crisis?UBS Group
Which country has become a new member of the BRICS New Development Bank?Egypt
On which day, World TB (Tuberculosis) Day was observed?24 March
On which day, World Meteorological Day was observed?23 March
What was the theme of World Meteorological Day 2023?The Future of Weather,
Climate and Water across Generations
On which day, World Water Day was observed?22 March
Who has been appointed as the next CEO of Grammarly, the online text editing platform based on artificial intelligence?Rahul Roy-Chowdhury
Which  airport  topped  the  list  of  the  world’s  best  airports released by Skytrax?Singapore Changi Airport
Which  country  top  the  list  of  most  polluted  countries  in  the World  Air  Quality  Index  published  by  the  Swiss  company IQAir?Chad
Who  has  launched  the  new  Artificial  Intelligence  Chatbot GPT-4?OpenAI
On which day, World Consumer Rights Day was observed?15 March
Who  has  been  elected  for  the  third  term as the President of China?Xi Jinping
Who has been elected as the third President of Nepal?Ram Chandra Poudel
On which day, World Wildlife Day was observed?3 March
What is the theme of World Wildlife Day 2023?Partnership for Wildlife Conservation
Who has been elected as the new President of Vietnam?Vo Van Thuong
On which day, World Civil Defence Day was observed?1 March
Name  the  Argentine-American  Mathematician  who  won  the 2023 Abel Prize?Luis Caffarelli
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