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Lost or Stolen Mobile Device? Let Sanchar Saathi Help You Recover It with CEIR

Learn how Sanchar Saathi and CEIR offer a reliable solution to recover your lost or stolen mobile device, ensuring its safe return to you.

Are you concerned about the security of your mobile connections and devices? Do you want to know if there are any mobile connections issued in your name? Are you worried about the risk of losing your mobile phone and the misuse of your personal data?

Look no further than Sanchar Saathi, the citizen-centric initiative of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) in India. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the various modules and features of Sanchar Saathi, including the CEIR (Central Equipment Identity Register) module and TAFCOP (Telecom Analytics for Fraud Management and Consumer Protection) module. Let’s delve into the world of Sanchar Saathi and discover how it empowers mobile subscribers, strengthens their security, and increases awareness about citizen-centric initiatives of the Government.

Introduction to Sanchar Saathi

Sanchar Saathi is an innovative initiative launched by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) in India. It aims to empower mobile subscribers by providing them with tools and resources to enhance their security and protect their personal information. This citizen-centric initiative focuses on raising awareness about various telecom services and encourages mobile users to actively participate in safeguarding their mobile connections and devices.

Sanchar Saathi offers multiple modules that address different aspects of mobile security and consumer protection. The two key modules are the CEIR module and the TAFCOP module. Through these modules, Sanchar Saathi aims to provide users with the ability to track lost or stolen mobile devices, block unwanted connections, and report fraudulent activities. Let’s explore the features of these modules in detail.

Empowering Mobile Subscribers

Sanchar Saathi is designed to empower mobile subscribers by providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge to protect their mobile connections and devices. With the increasing reliance on mobile phones for communication, it is crucial to ensure the security and integrity of these devices.

Through Sanchar Saathi, users gain access to features such as the Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) module, which helps in tracking lost or stolen mobile devices. Additionally, the Telecom Analytics for Fraud Management and Consumer Protection (TAFCOP) module allows users to report and block unwanted mobile connections. By utilizing these modules, mobile subscribers can take proactive steps to secure their mobile connections and personal data.

Strengthening Security

Mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives, containing valuable personal information and sensitive data. Therefore, it is essential to strengthen the security of these devices and protect them from unauthorized access or misuse.

Sanchar Saathi addresses this concern by offering features like the CEIR module, which enables users to trace lost or stolen mobile devices. By registering their devices with the CEIR database, users can significantly increase the chances of recovering their lost or stolen devices. The CEIR module helps track the device by leveraging its unique IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number, which is a unique identifier for every mobile device.

In addition to tracking lost or stolen devices, Sanchar Saathi also strengthens security through the TAFCOP module. This module enables users to report and block unwanted mobile connections that may be associated with fraudulent activities. By reporting suspicious connections, users contribute to the overall security of the telecom network and protect themselves from potential scams or unauthorized use of their personal information.

Increasing Awareness

One of the key objectives of Sanchar Saathi is to increase awareness among mobile subscribers about the various citizen-centric initiatives of the Government and educate them about mobile security best practices. Through informational campaigns and outreach programs, Sanchar Saathi aims to empower users with knowledge and skills to protect themselves in the digital world.

Sanchar Saathi collaborates with telecom service providers and other stakeholders to organize workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns on topics such as mobile security, data privacy, and the importance of verifying and authenticating mobile connections. By disseminating this information, Sanchar Saathi strives to create a safer and more secure mobile ecosystem for all users.

The CEIR Module

The Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) module is a crucial component of Sanchar Saathi. It serves as a centralized database of IMEI numbers associated with mobile devices. Mobile subscribers can register their devices with the CEIR database, which enhances the chances of recovering lost or stolen devices.

How Does CEIR Trace Lost/Stolen Mobile Devices?

When a mobile device is reported as lost or stolen to the CEIR database, the IMEI number of the device is marked as “blacklisted” to prevent it from being used on any mobile network. This action effectively renders the device useless for making calls or accessing mobile data.

Furthermore, the CEIR collaborates with law enforcement agencies to track and recover the lost or stolen devices. By providing the IMEI number, users enable the authorities to take necessary actions to locate and retrieve the device, increasing the likelihood of its recovery.

The TAFCOP Module

The Telecom Analytics for Fraud Control and Prevention (TAFCOP) module is another significant feature of Sanchar Saathi. It empowers mobile subscribers to report and block unwanted mobile connections associated with fraudulent activities. By using the TAFCOP module, users contribute to network security and protect themselves from potential scams or unauthorized use of their personal information.

Checking Mobile Connections with TAFCOP

The Telecom Analytics for Fraud Control and Prevention (TAFCOP) module within Sanchar Saathi provides a valuable tool for mobile subscribers to check the number of mobile connections registered under their name. This feature helps users ensure that they have authorized all the connections associated with their identity and detect any unauthorized or fraudulent connections.

To check the number of mobile connections registered in your name using TAFCOP, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official Sanchar Saathi website or use the dedicated mobile application.
  2. Navigate to the TAFCOP section, which allows you to manage and monitor your mobile connections.
  3. Provide the required details, such as your mobile number or identification information, as specified by the system.
  4. Click on the “Check Connections” or similar button to initiate the process.
  5. The system will retrieve and display the information regarding the mobile connections registered under your name. This includes the number of connections and their associated details, such as the mobile numbers or SIM card information.
  6. Review the displayed connections carefully to ensure that you recognize and have authorized all the connections listed. If you identify any unauthorized or unfamiliar connections, take immediate action to report them to your mobile service provider and the relevant authorities.

Blocking Lost/Stolen Mobile Devices

If you have lost your mobile device or it has been stolen, it is crucial to take immediate action to protect your personal data and prevent unauthorized use. By promptly reporting the loss or theft to the CEIR, you can ensure that your device is blocked from being used on any mobile network.

To block your lost or stolen device, follow these steps:

  1. Contact your service provider: Inform your mobile service provider about the loss or theft of your device. Provide them with the necessary details, such as your mobile number and the IMEI number of the device.
  2. Lodge a police complaint: Register a complaint with the police and provide them with the IMEI number of your device. This step is important as it helps law enforcement agencies track and recover the device.
  3. Report to CEIR: Visit the official CEIR website or use the CEIR mobile application to report the loss or theft of your device. Provide the required information, including your contact details and the IMEI number of the device.

Once the CEIR receives your report, they will blacklist the IMEI number, effectively blocking the device from being used on any mobile network.

Unblocking Lost/Stolen Mobile Devices

If you recover your lost or stolen device or if it was mistakenly blocked, you can request the CEIR to unblock the device. Follow these steps to unblock your device:

  1. Contact your service provider: Inform your mobile service provider that you have recovered your lost or stolen device. Provide them with the necessary details and request them to initiate the unblocking process.
  2. Lodge a police update: Update the police about the recovery of your device. Provide them with the relevant information and request their assistance in informing the CEIR about the recovery.
  3. Request unblocking from CEIR: Visit the official CEIR website or use the CEIR mobile application to request the unblocking of your device. Provide the required information, including your contact details and the IMEI number.

Upon verification, the CEIR will remove the block from the IMEI number, allowing your device to be used on mobile networks again.

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Keep Yourself Aware of Security

While Sanchar Saathi provides valuable tools for enhancing mobile security, it is essential for mobile subscribers to stay vigilant and keep themselves informed about potential risks. Here are a few tips to help you stay aware and protect your mobile devices:

  1. Install reliable security software: Use reputable mobile security applications that provide features such as antivirus protection, anti-malware scans, and real-time threat detection.
  2. Regularly update your device’s software: Keep your mobile operating system and applications up to date to ensure you have the latest security patches and bug fixes.
  3. Be cautious of suspicious links and attachments: Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources, as they may contain malware or lead to phishing attempts.
  4. Use strong passwords and enable biometric authentication: Protect your device with a strong password, PIN, or pattern lock. Whenever possible, enable biometric authentication methods such as fingerprint or face recognition.
  5. Be mindful of public Wi-Fi networks: Public Wi-Fi networks can be vulnerable to security breaches. Avoid accessing sensitive information or making financial transactions when connected to unsecured networks.
  6. Regularly back up your data: Create backups of your important data, such as contacts, photos, and documents, to a secure location. In case of device loss or theft, you can easily restore your data on a new device.

By following these security practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your mobile device and protect your personal information.

Official Website for Sanchar Saathi – Click Here


Q1: What is Sanchar Saathi?

Sanchar Saathi is an initiative aimed at enhancing mobile security and protecting mobile subscribers from theft, fraud, and unauthorized use. It incorporates features such as the CEIR module and the TAFCOP module to provide tools for tracing lost/stolen devices, blocking unwanted mobile connections, and empowering users with increased control over their mobile subscriptions.

Q2: How can Sanchar Saathi empower mobile subscribers?

Sanchar Saathi empowers mobile subscribers by providing them with tools to enhance their mobile security. With features like the CEIR module, users can register their devices and trace them if lost or stolen. The TAFCOP module allows users to report and block unwanted mobile connections associated with fraudulent activities, providing users with increased control and protection.

Q3: What is the CEIR module?

The Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) module is a component of Sanchar Saathi that serves as a centralized database of IMEI numbers associated with mobile devices. It enables mobile subscribers to register their devices and facilitates tracking and recovery of lost or stolen devices in collaboration with law enforcement agencies.

Q4: How does CEIR trace lost/stolen mobile devices?

When a mobile device is reported as lost or stolen to the CEIR database, the IMEI number of the device is marked as “blacklisted,” preventing its use on any mobile network. Law enforcement agencies collaborate with the CEIR to track and recover the device using the IMEI number provided by the user.

Q5: Can lost/stolen mobile devices be blocked in the network of all telecom operators?

Yes, when a mobile device is reported as lost or stolen to the CEIR, the IMEI number is blacklisted, effectively blocking the device from being used on any mobile network operated by participating telecom operators.

Q6: How can I check the number of mobile connections taken in my name?

Using the TAFCOP module, mobile subscribers can check the number of mobile connections registered under their name. This feature helps users identify any unauthorized connections and take necessary actions to protect their identity and prevent misuse of their personal information.

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Sanchar-Saathi, with its innovative modules such as the CEIR and TAFCOP, aims to enhance mobile security, protect users’ personal information, and create awareness about various citizen-centric initiatives. By actively participating in these initiatives and following best practices for mobile security, users can contribute to a safer and more secure digital environment. Remember to report lost or stolen devices promptly and take necessary actions to protect your personal data. With Sanchar Saathi, you can stay connected while ensuring your mobile device and information are safeguarded.

Thank you for reading our guide on recovering lost or stolen mobile devices with Sanchar Saathi and CEIR. Don’t forget to subscribe and follow us for more useful tips and information. Together, we can combat device theft and ensure a safer mobile experience for everyone.

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