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Mission LiFE: Fostering Environmental Consciousness in CBSE-Affiliated Schools

In today’s rapidly changing world, environmental consciousness has become more crucial than ever before. The introduction of Mission LiFE (Life Style For Environment) by the Honorable Prime Minister during COP26 in Glasgow marked a significant milestone in the global efforts toward sustainability. This mass movement emphasizes mindful consumption and aims to protect and preserve the environment by encouraging individuals and communities to adopt eco-friendly lifestyles. As part of this initiative, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has outlined various activities for schools to promote environmental awareness and sustainability among students and stakeholders.

Introduction to Mission LiFE

Mission LiFE is a global movement initiated by India to inspire individual and collective action towards environmental conservation. Launched at COP26, this movement emphasizes the importance of adopting lifestyles that are in harmony with nature. Its core principles revolve around mindful consumption, sustainable practices, and the protection of natural resources. As part of this initiative, CBSE-affiliated schools are encouraged to actively participate in promoting environmental awareness among students and stakeholders.

Objectives of Mission LiFE

The primary objectives of Mission LiFE are as follows:

  1. Raise Awareness: Create awareness among individuals and communities about the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable living.
  2. Promote Action: Encourage people to take proactive steps towards reducing their carbon footprint and adopting eco-friendly practices.
  3. Foster Collaboration: Mobilize a large number of people to actively participate in environmental conservation efforts and work together towards a common goal.
  4. Educate and Empower: Provide individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions that benefit both personal well-being and the environment.

Activities to Promote Mission LiFE in CBSE Schools

CBSE has outlined various activities for schools to promote Mission LiFE and create awareness about environmental concerns among students and stakeholders. These activities include:

Participation in Calendar of Activities:

  • Schools are encouraged to participate in activities listed in the Calendar of Activities provided by CBSE.
  • Activities include celebrating events like International Day of Forest, World Water Day, Earth Day, International Day for Biodiversity, World Environment Day, and others.
  • Schools can organize various events such as poster/painting contests, rallies, seminars, workshops, and expert talks to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices.

Handbook: Mission Shunya for Environment:

  • CBSE has launched a handbook titled “Mission Shunya for Environment” to guide schools in achieving Zero Carbon Footprint through conservation in five major areas: Energy, Biodiversity, Water, Waste, and Transport.
  • The handbook provides practical guidelines and recommendations for schools to implement eco-friendly practices and reduce their environmental impact.

Webinars for School Heads and Teachers:

  • CBSE will conduct a series of webinars for the heads and teachers of CBSE-affiliated schools.
  • These webinars will focus on conducting five types of audits with the help of the “Mission Shunya for Environment” handbook.
  • The webinars aim to educate school personnel about the importance of environmental conservation and provide them with tools and resources to integrate sustainability into their school curriculum and operations.


Mission LiFE presents a unique opportunity for CBSE-affiliated schools to actively engage in environmental conservation efforts and promote sustainability among students and stakeholders. By participating in various activities outlined by CBSE, schools can contribute to the global movement towards a more sustainable future. Through education, collaboration, and action, we can create a world where people live in harmony with nature, ensuring a healthier planet for future generations.


1. How can schools get involved in Mission LiFE?

  • Schools can participate in activities outlined by CBSE, organize events, and promote environmental awareness among students and stakeholders.

2. What is the role of the “Mission Shunya for Environment” handbook?

  • The handbook provides practical guidelines for schools to achieve Zero Carbon Footprint through conservation in key areas such as energy, biodiversity, water, waste, and transport.

3. Are the webinars provided by CBSE free of charge?

  • Yes, CBSE will organize webinars for school heads and teachers, and there will be no fee for attending these workshops.

4. How can students benefit from participating in Mission LiFE activities?

  • Students can learn about environmental conservation, develop eco-friendly habits, and contribute to a healthier planet through their actions.

5. How can schools address environmental concerns beyond the suggested activities?

  • Schools can integrate sustainability into their curriculum, implement eco-friendly practices in their operations, and collaborate with local communities to address environmental challenges.

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