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Parshuram Jayanti 2023: History, Significance, and Celebration

22 April 2023 is the festival of Akshaya Tritiya and on this date the birth anniversary of Lord Parshuram, who is considered to be the sixth incarnation of all the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu, will also be celebrated.

History of Parshuram Jayanti

According to Hindu mythology, Lord Parshuram was born on the third day of Shukla Paksha in the month of Vaishakh. His father was Rishi Jamadagni, and his mother was Renuka. Lord Parshuram was the sixth avatar of Lord Vishnu, and he was born to eliminate the evil Kshatriyas from the earth.

Significance of Parshuram Jayanti

Parshuram Jayanti is an important festival for the Hindu community as it marks the birth anniversary of Lord Parshuram, who is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Parshuram is revered as the symbol of courage, strength, and devotion. He is believed to have lived a life of sacrifice and selflessness, and his teachings inspire people to lead a life of righteousness and truth.

Legends associated with Lord Parshuram

There are many legends associated with Lord Parshuram. One of the most popular legends is the story of his battle with King Kartavirya Arjuna. According to the legend, King Kartavirya Arjuna and his army invaded the hermitage of Rishi Jamadagni, Lord Parshuram’s father. When Rishi Jamadagni refused to offer them hospitality, the king killed him. Lord Parshuram then took revenge by killing King Kartavirya Arjuna and his entire army.

Another legend is the story of Lord Parshuram retrieving the land of Konkan from the sea. According to the legend, Lord Parshuram threw his axe into the sea, and the land of Konkan emerged from the water. This event is believed to have taken place on the day of Parshuram Jayanti.

Celebration of Parshuram Jayanti

Parshuram Jayanti is celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm by the Hindu community. People wake up early in the morning and take a bath to purify themselves. They then visit the temples of Lord Parshuram and offer prayers and offerings. Devotees also observe fasts on this day.

Rituals and Customs of Parshuram Jayanti

On the day of Parshuram Jayanti, devotees perform various rituals and customs to seek the blessings of Lord Parshuram. They recite prayers and hymns dedicated to Lord Parshuram and perform aarti.

Special Foods Prepared on Parshuram Jayanti

Special foods are prepared on Parshuram Jayanti to mark the occasion. Devotees prepare sweet dishes like kheer, peda, and laddu, and offer them to Lord Parshuram. Some are believed to be Lord Parshuram’s favorites, such as mangoes, jackfruit, and pumpkins.

Parshuram Jayanti Celebrations in India

Parshuram Jayanti is celebrated with great enthusiasm in India. The celebrations vary from region to region, but the common thread is devotion and worship of Lord Parshuram. In some parts of India, processions are taken out with the idol of Lord Parshuram, and people chant hymns and devotional songs. In Maharashtra, the day of Parshuram Jayanti is celebrated as Akshaya Tritiya, and people buy gold and silver jewelry and utensils as it is considered to bring good luck and prosperity.

Parshuram Jayanti Celebrations in Other Parts of the World

Parshuram Jayanti is celebrated by the Hindu community all over the world. In countries like Nepal, Mauritius, and Trinidad and Tobago, which have a significant Hindu population, Parshuram Jayanti is celebrated with great fervor and devotion.

Parshuram Jayanti Celebrations in Social Media

In today’s digital age, Parshuram Jayanti is also celebrated on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. People share pictures and messages of Lord Parshuram and offer their prayers and blessings to their friends and family.

Importance of Parshuram Jayanti in Today’s World

Parshuram Jayanti is an important festival that teaches us the values of courage, sacrifice, and devotion. Lord Parshuram’s teachings inspire us to live a life of righteousness and truth. The festival also reminds us of the importance of respecting our elders and seeking their blessings.


Parshuram Jayanti is an important festival that celebrates the birth anniversary of Lord Parshuram, the sixth avatar of Lord Vishnu. The festival is observed with great devotion and enthusiasm by the Hindu community all over the world. The teachings of Lord Parshuram inspire us to live a life of righteousness and truth, and his legend reminds us of the importance of courage and sacrifice.


  1. What is Parshuram Jayanti?

Parshuram Jayanti is an important Hindu festival celebrated annually to commemorate the birth anniversary of Lord Parshuram, the sixth avatar of Lord Vishnu.

  1. When is Parshuram Jayanti celebrated?

Parshuram Jayanti is celebrated on the third day of Shukla Paksha in the month of Vaishakh. In 2023, it falls on Sat, Apr 22, 2023.

  1. What is the significance of Parshuram Jayanti?

Parshuram Jayanti marks the birth anniversary of Lord Parshuram, who is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Parshuram is revered as the symbol of courage, strength, and devotion.

  1. How is Parshuram Jayanti celebrated?

Parshuram Jayanti is celebrated with great devotion and enthusiasm. People visit temples of Lord Parshuram, offer prayers and offerings, and observe fasts.

  1. Why is Parshuram Jayanti important?

Parshuram Jayanti teaches us the values of courage, sacrifice, and devotion. The festival also reminds us of the importance of respecting our elders and seeking their blessings.

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