CBSE Adolescent Leadership Summit on Life Skills, Mental Health, Safety, and Well-being

CBSE Adolescent Leadership Summit on Life Skills, Mental Health, Safety, and Well-being
New Delhi, September 23, 2023 – In an effort to empower the youth of India as ambassadors of life skills ...
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Why Indian Exams Are So Competitive and What It Means for Students

Why Indian Exams Are So Competitive and What It Means for Students
Explore the reasons behind the competitiveness of Indian exams, their impact on students, and possible solutions to relieve the pressure
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Tele MANAS: India’s National Tele Mental Health Programme – Over 100,000 calls received 

Tele MANAS India's National Tele Mental Health Programme
The Tele MANAS initiative has completed 6 months of functioning, providing mental health services to over 100,000 individuals across the country. Read on to learn about this novel initiative and its impact.
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The Competitive Exam Culture in India: Why Is It So Intense?

The Competitive Exam Culture in India: Why Is It So Intense?
Discover the reasons behind India's highly competitive exam culture, and what it means for students striving to succeed.
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