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Attention WhatsApp Users: Check Out 3 New Security Features Recently Launched by WhatsApp, an International Meta Platform

WhatsApp has once again made headlines with its latest security features, now available for both Android and Apple version users. The company recommends sharing these newly launched updates with family and friends around the world. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of these latest features and what they mean for users.

New Cryptographic Security Features for Enhanced Privacy and Control

As a universal messaging platform, WhatsApp has added specific features to enhance security and privacy for the benefit of its users. These new features aim to provide users with more power and control over their conversations, particularly as privacy concerns continue to grow.

There are three significant changes that the company has made in response to these concerns, which will significantly strengthen app safety levels. The goal is to make messaging as secure as face-to-face discussions, with the latest updates being launched progressively.

Account Protect: An Extra Layer of Protection

WhatsApp has introduced Account Protect, a new feature that enables an extra layer of protection for users during the transfer of their WhatsApp account to another device. Under this feature, users must confirm their identity on the old device to ensure they want to move their account to a new device. This feature aims to prevent unauthorized attempts and provide added security to user accounts.

Device Verification: Protection from Mobile Device Malware

Another update that WhatsApp has recently introduced is called Device Verification. The aim of this feature is to safeguard users from mobile device malware or any malicious software that can harm their phones without their permission. This feature ensures that users’ accounts are authenticated, protecting their genuine accounts in case their device gets hacked or faces any issues.

Automatic Safety: Carefully Verified Connections

WhatsApp has also launched an Automatic Security Codes feature, which carefully verifies all connections of the users in a secure way. This feature is based on a process called “Key Transparency,” which maintains a mapping record between a user’s account and their public identity key. This feature allows users to decode messages through which they have been talking to the recipient, providing added security to their conversations.

Extra Safety: Two-Step Verification and End-to-End Encrypted Backups

To provide extra safety to users, WhatsApp has included two-step verification as well as end-to-end encrypted backups as security options, which users can activate themselves. It is recommended that everyone shares these features with their friends or family to help people stay connected and safe.

Auditable Key Directory (AKD): Ensuring Accuracy and End-to-End Encryption

WhatsApp has also published an open-source library named Auditable Key Directory (AKD), allowing anyone to verify audit proofs of the directory’s accuracy. End-to-end encryption is the basis of any safe messaging, implying that only the user and the person they are talking to know the conveyed messages. WhatsApp faces many key changes in registration or re-registration every single minute, which is why AKD and other features have been implemented as part of the project.

In conclusion, WhatsApp has taken significant steps to enhance its security features, providing users with more control and privacy. These features are now available for both Android and Apple version users and aim to make messaging as secure as face-to-face conversations. It is recommended that users share these features with their friends and family to ensure that everyone stays connected and safe.

Official Blog from WhatsApp WhatsApp has always prioritized user privacy and security. As the messaging app continues to grow in popularity, it has introduced new security features to ensure that users have complete control over their conversations. The latest updates are no exception, providing users with enhanced privacy and protection.

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