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29th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes – 2023

Mumbai, India: The 29th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes-2023 is set to be an insightful event. In collaboration with the Mumbai Sahodaya Schools Complex, it will be held at The Westin Mumbai, Powai Lake, Powai, Mumbai on the 8th and 9th of December 2023. The overarching theme for this conference is “Reimagining the Changing Landscape – Quality Transformation in School Education.” The event is aimed at fostering co-creation and contribution toward a sustainable future. Additionally, it seeks to empower the principals and management of CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) schools with knowledge about the new policies and innovative practices introduced by the Board, with a particular emphasis on NEP 2020 (National Education Policy 2020) and NCFFS 2023 (National Curriculum Framework for Future Skills 2023).

Key Themes and Objectives

The 29th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes-2023 will focus on several sub-themes that are pivotal to the evolving landscape of education in India. These sub-themes include:

1. Lead The Change: This sub-theme aims to explore the strategies that can lead to positive transformations in education.

2. Quality Transformation in Education: Curriculum – Design and Assessment: This topic delves into the curriculum’s role in shaping quality education and how assessments can effectively gauge students’ progress.

3. Reimagining Learning Spaces: With the advancement of technology and pedagogical practices, this sub-theme will discuss the reimagining of learning environments.

4. Rethinking the Educational Workforce: This aspect focuses on how educators need to adapt and evolve to meet the demands of a changing educational landscape.

5. Evolving and Emerging School Systems: The changing educational system and the emergence of new models will be explored.

6. Education for Resilience, Protection, and Well-being: The conference will address the critical topic of fostering resilience, protection, and well-being in students.

7. Vocational Education – Global Perspective: As vocational education becomes increasingly important, this sub-theme will provide a global perspective on its implementation.

8. Education in the Digital Age – Opportunities and Challenges: With the integration of technology, the digital age’s impact on education will be discussed.

Call for Case Studies

The conference invites case studies that highlight best practices adopted by schools in the following areas:

a. Role of Technology in the Implementation of Multilingualism in Schools: Examining how technology can facilitate multilingualism in educational settings.

b. Assessment and Feedback in Competency-Based Learning: Focusing on assessment methods that align with competency-based learning.

c. Mental Health and Social-Emotional Learning: Discussing the role of schools in addressing mental health and social-emotional learning.

d. Cross-Disciplinary Skill Integration: Exploring the integration of skills across different disciplines.

e. Incorporating Arts and Creativity: Highlighting the importance of arts and creativity in the curriculum.

f. Inclusion and Accessibility: Addressing the need for inclusive and accessible education for all.

g. Community Engagement and Internships: Discussing community engagement and the role of internships in education.

Guidelines for Case Study Submission

To submit a case study, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The word limit for each case study is 1000 words.
  • All submissions must be original; plagiarized work will not be accepted.
  • Case studies should identify challenges faced by schools, teachers, or principals within specific contexts and propose potential strategies to address these challenges.
  • Use authentic primary and secondary data, with proper measures taken to maintain confidentiality.
  • References, if used, should be included at the end of the write-up.
  • Submit the case study in MS WORD format, using Arial/Unicode (for Hindi) font size 12, with 1.5-line spacing and 2cm margins on both sides.
  • Case studies can be in either Hindi or English and should include the contributor’s name, designation, and school’s name and address.
  • Include relevant evidence in the form of photographs and other materials, submitted in .jpeg format.
  • Submissions should be sent via email to no later than October 31, 2023.

Please note:

  1. Late submissions will not be accepted.
  2. The Editorial Team will determine the eligibility of entries.
  3. Selected best practices will be published in an eSOUVENIR during the conference; hard copies will not be accepted.

Registration Information

For those interested in participating in the 29th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes – 2023, online registration is available at Mumbai Sahodaya’s website or directly via this link. The deadline for registration is November 10, 2023.

Participation Fee

The participation fee, collected by the host Sahodaya, will be subject to a third-party audit as specified by the Board.

Contact Information

For additional information, please visit Mumbai Sahodaya’s website or contact the following individuals:

  • Dr. Rashmirekha Saha, Treasurer, Mumbai Sahodaya School Complex: 9766392660
  • Mr. Rajeev Garg: 9819856550

Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to engage with leading educational experts and contribute to the transformation of school education in India.

Conclusion: The 29th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes-2023 promises to be a significant event, bringing together education leaders, principals, and educators to discuss and shape the future of Indian education. With its diverse range of sub-themes and the call for case studies, this conference is a platform for innovation and improvement in the field of education.

Stay Updated | 29th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes

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